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Extraterrestrial Series

Article#: 1421


Another Way and the Rapture of the Nerds

Center of the Universe Discovered and What Holds It Together

Cosmology's Search for Extraterrestrials Continues

Cosmos Host Attacks Bible

Close Satan's Secret Door

Looking and Listening in All the Wrong Places: 16 Times We Didn't Find ET

Is Earth the Center of the Universe?

Is There Life in Outer Space?

MORE: Fallen Sons of God, Giants & Men of Renown, Ghost Species

Open God's Gates of Plenty

QandA, The Great Controversy

QandA: The Supreme Divinity

Quantum Physics Meets the Words of God (Part 1)

Quantum Physics Meets the Words of God (Part 2)

Quantum Physics Meets the Words of God (Part 3)

The Sons of God and the Ghost Species

Science and Hearing the Voice of God

Science at the Door (They Keep On Knocking But They Can't Come In)

Science Seeks 4th Dimension -- and the Children are Already There

Speaking To and Getting Measurable Results From the Extraterrestrial — Part One

Speaking To and Getting Measurable Results From the Extraterrestrial — Part Two

Speaking To Extraterrestrials

The Fourth Dimension

The Invisible God and His Invisible Kingdom

The Nostrils, The Angels, Talking to Extraterrestrials, and the Miracle of the Garbage Can

The Theory of Everything — Reading the Mind of God

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