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Twenty-One Signs of Doomsday (Update XLI—Chimera)

Is it possible that the chimeras of ancient mythology could have some root in reality? Is it possible that mythological accounts of ancient, superior beings functio... More

Giants and Stones

The most famous of the giants is the nearly 10-feet-tall Goliath the Gittite, a Philistine from Gath. In defying Israel, Goliath boasted of having slain the two sons... More

Dead Men Talking About Life After Death

Perhaps it is ironic that the medical profession has, inadvertently, succeeded where countless generations of priests have failed�they have produced evidence for the... More

Don't Feed the Devils

Don't feed the devils. It is similar to the idea of not feeding a stray cat because, if you do, it will become your new cat and reside with you as long as you feed ... More

Undeniable Proof—Every Jot and Every Tittle (III)

Fallen sons of God�not the sons of Adam�cohabitated with the daughters of men and their offspring were giants and men of renown. Archaeology, paleontology, ancient ... More

Twenty-One Signs of Doomsday (Update XLII)—Another Way, Part 3

Many may find this hard to imagine, but there are gods who are non-human and many of them are here on the earth. Who are these gods that are not human?... More

Psalm 14:1: The Fool Hath Said in His Heart, There is No God

A concentrated effort to destroy the Bible God has been mounted globally by the evolution god, and the hearts of untold millions have been polluted with unbelief. T... More

Diet, Hygiene, Quarantine, and Hell to Pay

Who is responsible for the pain, the sickness, the death, and yes, even the pandemics? ... More

Sons of God and the Ghost Species

God destroys the earth and its corrupt inhabitants in the global flood of Noah but it certainly appears the DNA of the fallen sons of God in Genesis 6 was passed on,... More

Pigs Deadly as Cigarettes—And a Whole Lot More!

It is true that the New Testament believer is no longer bound by these dietary laws and that we can sanctify the supper table unto God with the prayer of faith, but ... More

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