Latest Archaeology Topics
- Noah I—of course, yes! (The Genesis Series, Part 27)
All creation myths appear to be derived from the events that Genesis is based on, and in many cases, large remnants of the original story remain. Genesis, though, s...> - Amazing & Inerrant Accuracy
Archaeology establishes the Holy Scriptures as an inerrant account of the history of the world and its universe. Scientific disciplines studying the ancient past sur...>

All "Archaeology" Topics
- (A Re-Release) Daniel and the Prince of the Eunuchs
- Adam and Eve and the Ancient Record
- Ai Back in the News Again! High Skeptics Brought Low!
- All the World Once Spoke One Common Language; Things Changed at Babel
- All True After All: Joshua, Wars, and His Tomb
- Amazing & Inerrant Accuracy
- Ancient Discovery Confirms Masoretic Text--Skeptics Scramble!
- And There We Saw Giants, the Sons of Anak
- Archaeologists and Elisha's House
- Archaeology & Madness at the Foot of the Cross
- Archaeology Certifies Bible, Miracles and All
- Archaeology Certifies Psalm 137:1-2
- Archaeology Keeps Knocking on Heaven’s Door
- Archaeology keeps on saying Yes!
- Archaeology Keeps Shouting Yes!
- Archaeology Says "I Found Sodom!"
- Archaeology Says Yes
- Ardi and the Chimp
- Babylon, That Great City
- Blind Man and the Pool of Siloam
- Can I Trust This Book? (Everything Depends on It)
- Carbon Dating and 2+2=5
- Carbon-14 and Genesis 1: "In the Beginning"
- Caveman
- Daniel and the Prince of the Eunuchs
- David and Solomon - Archaeology Says Yes
- Dinosaurs -- The Terrible Lizards
- Dinosaurs and Ica Stones
- Dinosaurs and Man Contemporaneously
- Dinosaurs and Sea Monsters of the Bible Found
- Dinosaurs Updated
- Don’t Drink the Water (Part 1: The Earth Has Opened Its Mouth)
- Draco Volans Comes Flying
- Dragons Swallow Up Evolution
- Dragons, Dinosaurs, and the Devil
- Dragons, Dinosaurs, and the Devil (Part Two)
- Dragons, Dinosaurs, and the Devil Series
- Dragons, Dinosaurs, Terrible Lizards
- Elusive Wall Says Yes
- Email Challenges 6,000 Years
- Evidence of a Legendary Flood Keeps Flooding In
- Exciting Archaeology
- Exciting Archaeology (Part II)
- Eye Witness Account
- Faith Slams the Door Shut!
- Floods and the Sea Monster
- Genesis: Cooper Found Them All (Part 1)
- Genesis: Cooper Found Them All (Part 2)
- Genesis: Cooper Found Them All Series
- Genius Upon Genius
- Giants and Stones
- Giants II
- Giants Series
- Gideon & Jerubbaal Found. The Higher Critics Head for the Tall Grass.
- God Debunks
- God's Fingerprints (Noah, Giants, and Words)
- Hazor and Fire
- Here Comes Noah
- Herod Raises His Head
- Hezekiah: Archaeology and Armageddon
- History and Babel, Abraham, Moses, Samson and Delilah
- Hurricane Irma Testifies of Moses and the Red Sea
- Inerrant Truth and Daniel
- Jacob's Well
- Jeremiah — God’s Prophet Vindicated
- Jonah — Everyone Says Yes
- Jonah and the Whale—Why do the Heathen Rage?
- Joseph and Pharaoh—History and Archaeology Give a Big Thumbs Up!
- Joseph’s Famine (Minimalists Minimalized)
- Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho
- Joshua Slays Higher Critics
- King David and Jezebel’s Seal
- King Hezekiah Back in the News
- Kings David & Solomon Upend Minimalists Again & Again
- Lachish Reveals Its Secrets
- Language and 6,000 Years (They Always End Up Here)
- Living Fossils Found Alive Among Us
- Minimalists and Nehemiah’s Wall
- Minimalists Flummoxed Again
- Miraculous Plagues
- Missing Day No Longer Missing
- More Man and Dino Contemporaneously
- Moses
- Moses Challenged
- Moses Won’t Go Away (Much to the Embarrassment of His Detractors)
- Mummies and the Sons of Ham
- Neanderthal Man Back in the News—Was He Sighted in Outer Mongolia?
- Nehemiah and Jeremiah Confirmed By History
- Nehushtan
- No Escape from 6,000 Years
- Noah II
- Noah 2010
- Noah and a Divine Foot
- Noah and the Ungodly
- Noah I—of course, yes! (The Genesis Series, Part 27)
- Noah Returns
- Noah Series
- Noah Shows Up In Washington State
- Noah Today
- Noah—Extraordinary Evidence
- Noah's Ark and Societal Records
- Noah’s Ark (Update II)
- Noah’s Ark—Fact or Fiction Updated
- North Pole Tropical Discovered Again
- Ocean World
- Pharaoh Kills Babies
- Pharaoh, Moses, and the Red Sea
- Satellite Images & the Garden of Eden
- Silver as Stones
- Simeon
- Six Thousand-Year-Old Earth
- Six Thousand-Year-Old Earth Series
- Snake Legs and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
- Snakes Had Legs
- Snakes on Legs—They Just Keep on Coming
- Sodom and Dots
- Soft Tissue Dinosaurs Shock Evolutionists
- Solomon’s Powerplay Upends Higher Critics
- Sons of God and the Ghost Species
- Special Note
- Table of Nations Thumps Minimalists
- The Amazing Table of Nations
- The Astounding Book of Daniel -- Minimalists Minimalized
- The Beautiful Book & Its History Vindicated
- The Big Bang vs. Moses and the Hebrew Slaves
- The Critics and Adam's Penmanship
- The Ghost Species & Genesis 6: The Story Continues
- The More They Dig, the More They Find (God’s Word is True & Righteous Altogether)
- The Perfect Book, Impervious to Its Detractors
- The Red Sea — Yes, The Red Sea
- The Saga of the Serpent
- The Saga of the Serpent — Part Three
- The Saga of the Serpent — Part Two
- The Seals of Jeremiah
- The Well, The Gutter, Exile, and Armageddon
- The World's Giants Keep Raising Their Heads
- The World's Oldest Alphabet and Joseph and the Coat of Many Colors
- They Were Writing in Hebrew Like They Owned the Place
- Tower of Babel
- Tower of Babel Defies Critics
- Tower of Babel II
- Tower of Babel Series
- Tunnel of Hezekiah
- Tyrannosaurus Rex Dethroned
- Walls of Jericho
- Watch Out, World, It’s Not Good News! Abraham Prepares to Speak
Featured Audios
- Sodom and Dots
- Noah—Extraordinary Evidence
- The Saga of the Serpent
- Noah’s Ark—Fact or Fiction Updated
- The Ghost Species & Genesis 6: The Story Continues
- Satellite Images & the Garden of Eden
- And There We Saw Giants, the Sons of Anak
- Dinosaurs Updated
- Six Thousand-Year-Old Earth
- Archaeology Says "I Found Sodom!"
Power Verse
Malachi 3:16 (KJV)
Then they that feared the Lord spake often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of rememberance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name.